President BIPSS to Speak at US State Department Conference and American Security Project, Wasington DC
President, Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS), Major General Muniruzzaman (Retd) spoke at a conference on “Global Water Security and its Impacts”. The conference was hosted by the United States’ National Intelligence Council and the United Sates’ Department of State.
This closed door conference deliberated on relevant global security issues and brought together senior government policy makers and exparts. President BIPSS, General Muniruzzaman’s presentation at the conference focused on Identifying the Global Dimensions of Security.
During his visit to Washington D.C, he also held meetings with both government and non government organizations. Additionaly he also delivered a lecture on Climate Change and Global Security at the American Security Project (ASP). General Muniruzzaman spoke there on his capacity as Chairman Global Military Advisory Council on Climate Change (GMAC).