BIPSS Roundtable on South Asian Regional Security: Challenges and Opportunities
BIPSS in collaboration with the Canadian High Commission in Bangladesh held a Roundtable on South Asian Regional Security: Challenges and Opportunities on 08 January 2013 at Hotel Lakeshore, Gulshan-2, Dhaka. The Keynote Paper on the theme was presented by Professor M. Shahiduzzaman, Department of International Relation, University of Dhaka. Mr. Ghulam Muhammed Quader, MP, Minister for Commerce, Attented the Roundtable as the Chief Guest. The High Commissioner of Canada in Bangladesh Heather Cruden gave her remarks on the theme. The Roundtable was chaired by Major General A. N. M Muniruzzaman, ndc, psc, (Retd), President Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS)