US Army Delegation Visits BIPSS
A three member delegation of the Chief of Staff of the United States Army’s Strategic Studies Group (CSA-SSG) led by Colonel Marc Harris paid a visit to BIPSS on 25th March’2014. Lieutenant Colonel David Lopes, Assistant Defense Attaché at the US Embassy in Dhaka accompanied the delegation. A brief overview of BIPSS was given to them.The President and other researchers of BIPSS discussed about the characteristics and challenges of Dhaka as a “Megacity”. The discussion highlighted the shortcomings of Dhaka including lack of access to safe drinking water, no system of solid waste management, shortage of utility services, crimes in the slum areas, human trafficking, limitations of rescue operations due to road congestion and no democratic governance system etc. It was also pointed out that the 16th largest megacity Dhaka is the most densely populated city in the world.