![The paper explores how a stable political environment enables strategic international engagement, enhances diplomatic credibility, and fosters economic and security partnerships. It further highlights the adverse effects of instability on foreign policy execution, including strained alliances and diminished global influence, while offering insights into Bangladesh’s foreign policy trajectory amidst domestic and regional challenges. In the commentary, Shamshil Arefin discusses the key pillars of effective foreign policy, including diplomacy, economic cooperation, and security collaboration, while highlighting Bangladesh’s notable achievements and the adverse impacts of political instability. This insightful piece is essential reading for those seeking a deeper understanding of Bangladesh's strategic positioning in the global arena.](https://bipss.org.bd/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/The-Nexus-Between-Political-Stability-and-Foreign-Policy-Effectiveness-in-Bangladesh.jpg)
The Nexus Between Political Stability and Foreign Policy Effectiveness in Bangladesh
The paper explores how a stable political environment enables strategic international engagement, enhances diplomatic credibility, and fosters economic and security partnerships. It further highlights the adverse effects of instability on foreign policy execution, including strained alliances and diminished global influence, while offering insights into Bangladesh’s foreign policy trajectory amidst domestic and regional challenges.
In the commentary, Shamshil Arefin discusses the key pillars of effective foreign policy, including diplomacy, economic cooperation, and security collaboration, while highlighting Bangladesh’s notable achievements and the adverse impacts of political instability. This insightful piece is essential reading for those seeking a deeper understanding of Bangladesh’s strategic positioning in the global arena.