Risk Assessment and Analysis Unit

Risk Assesment and Analysis Unit (BIPSS-RAAU)

In the world of international business and investment, risk assessment and analysis occupies an important space. This is particularly critical in developing countries like Bangladesh with fragile state institutions, frequent occurrence of social instability and now further compounded with the threat of militancy and terrorism. In this risk and threat environment, it is essential for private business and multinational corporations to get a comprehensive analysis of these events on a regular and sustained basis.

BIPSS has a dedicated capacity to monitor and analyse all such events on a continuous basis. Our access and information sharing arrangement with specialised international centres provides another angle to view this critical space. Our research staff members have dedicated expertise on these issues and conduct regular and periodic studies. We are able to provide general assessment and analysis or customised analysis and assessment of specific field or area of activity. Our assessments are normally comprehensive in nature which also offer suggestions and policy recommendations for taking appropriate measures for private sector companies.

Please contact BIPSS for any queries or requirements on the above.