President BIPSS, Major General Muniruzzaman,(Retd) attended SIAMO 2016.

President BIPSS, Major General Muniruzzaman, ndc, psc (Retd) attended a special programme on Climate Security at the Institut de Haute Etudes de la Defense Nationale – IHEDN (French Defence University) at the Ecole Miitaire in Paris for the past two weeks. The agenda included major issues of climate change and security that has an impact on national security and international stability. The programme had an In depth discussion and deliberation focused on critical issues such as climate induced resource conflict, water security, energy security, migratory movement etc.

General Muniruzzaman presided over the Committee on Climate Migration and International Security. The programme was attended by senior level delegates from Asia and the Middle East. The timing was also significant as it coincided with the period when the Paris Climate Agreement came into force,

It may be mentioned that President BIPSS is the Chairman of Global Military Advisory Council on Climate Change (GMACCC). In that capacity he also attended COP 21 in Paris last year. Many of his international publications on the subject were used in the programme as reference reading. Cimate Security is also one of the key research areas for BIPSS.

President BIPSS, Major General Muniruzzaman,(Retd) attended SIAMO 2016. 2President BIPSS, Major General Muniruzzaman,(Retd) attended SIAMO 2016. 3President BIPSS, Major General Muniruzzaman,(Retd) attended SIAMO 2016. 4
President BIPSS, Major General Muniruzzaman,(Retd) attended SIAMO 2016. 5President BIPSS, Major General Muniruzzaman,(Retd) attended SIAMO 2016. 6President BIPSS, Major General Muniruzzaman,(Retd) attended SIAMO 2016. 7
President BIPSS, Major General Muniruzzaman,(Retd) attended SIAMO 2016. 8President BIPSS, Major General Muniruzzaman,(Retd) attended SIAMO 2016. 9President BIPSS, Major General Muniruzzaman,(Retd) attended SIAMO 2016. 10
President BIPSS, Major General Muniruzzaman,(Retd) attended SIAMO 2016. 11President BIPSS, Major General Muniruzzaman,(Retd) attended SIAMO 2016. 12President BIPSS, Major General Muniruzzaman,(Retd) attended SIAMO 2016. 13



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