President BIPSS Maj Gen Muniruzzaman (Retd) attended the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilisations (CDAC) in Beijing.
President BIPSS Major General Muniruzzaman (Retd) attended the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilisations (CDAC) in Beijing last week. Hosted by the Government of PRC, the Conference was inaugurated and addressed by President Xi Jinping and was attended by all Asian countries. In his speech the Chinese President called for greater cooperation and harmony amongst the rich culture and history of countries in Asia. The conference ended with a spectacular display of Asian music and culture at the Olympic stadium.
General Muniruzzaman then attended and spoke at the Conference on BRI for Exchange Between Think Tank and the Media in Nanjing. It may also be mentioned that BIPSS is founding member of the newly launched Belt and Road Studies Network (BRSN) that brings together selected major think tanks in BRI countries.