Mr. Shafqat Munir, Head of BCTR and Research Fellow at BIPSS has recently been inducted into the Network of Young Asian Security Experts and attended the inaugural meeting in Berlin, Germany.
Mr. Shafqat Munir, Head of Bangladesh Centre for Terrorism Research (BCTR) and Research Fellow at BIPSS has recently been inducted into the Network of Young Asian Security Experts and attended the inaugural meeting in Berlin, Germany. The network has been launched by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) and brought together a select group of academics, think tank analysts, diplomats and government officials from across the Indo-Pacific.
In addition to attending a workshop on security issues facing the Indo-Pacific, the inaugural cohort had a range of interactions at the Chancellery as well as ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence. The group also had interactions with the KAS Network of Young German experts on security and foreign policy and a dialogue with the major German think tanks on issues of Asian security. The young security experts interacted with a select group of parliamentarians from the German federal parliament ‘Bundestag’ and also had the opportunity to visit the Joint Forces Operations Command of the German Armed Forces or Einsatzführungskando der Bundeswehr in Potsdam.