Indo-Bangladesh Security Dialogue
Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS) organised the Indo-Bangladesh Security Dialogue 2010, a track 1.5 dialogue process, from 12-13 April, 2010 with the United Service Institution of India (USI). This was the second in a series of dialogue being held between the two countries. The first one held in Delhi last year. The purpose of the dialogue was to discuss a broad range of issues specially security related issues highlighting the bilateral relations of the two countries. The dialogue covered a broad spectrum of issues including Threats of Terrorism and Radicalisation: Implications for Indo-Bangladesh Security Relations; Indo-Bangladesh Maritime Security: From Confrontation to Cooperation; and Preserving Environmental Security: Indo-Bangladesh Issues and Concerns. Senior experts of the both country delegation presented papers on those issues highlighting the respective country perspective. The dialogue concluded with a call for a ” cooperative approach” in solving any bilateral problems to build an atmosphere of understanding across the region.
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