COSATT Meeting and Panel Discussion in Colombo, Sri Lanka
Mr. Shafqat Munir, Head of Bangladesh Centre for Terrorism Research and Research Fellow at BIPSS recently attended a meeting of the Consortium of South Asian Think Tanks (COSATT) in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The special authors’ meeting was convened to discuss a forthcoming book on the Indo Pacific strategy and its implications for the South Asian region. The meeting brought COSATT members and experts from across the South Asian region.
Subsequently Mr. Munir also spoke as part of a panel on ‘Violent Extremism in South Asia’. His presentation was themed ‘Radicalisation in a Networked World’ The panel discussion was convened by Institute of National Security Studies (INSSSL) the premier Sri Lankan security think tank under the Ministry of Defence and was attended by senior officials, academics, media and members of the strategic community in Colombo. Mr. Munir was appointed as a Senior Fellow at INSSSL earlier this year.