BIPSS in collaboration with Centre for Naval Analyses (CNA) has organized the first US-Bangladesh Maritime Cooperation Dialogue in Washington DC from 24 to 25 September 2014. This Track 1.5 Dialogue initiative brought together the maritime forces to discuss about enhancing naval and maritime cooperation between the two countries. The participants had drawn from the US State Department, Department of Defence and relevant stakeholders in the US and Bangladesh including representatives from Bangladesh Navy and Coast Guard. The dialogue held in Washington is part of a series of events that will take place in the US and Bangladesh in future. Throughout this year and in 2015, BIPSS will continue to work on issues of Maritime Security in the Indian Ocean, which is a key research agenda for the institute. It may be mentioned that, BIPSS has previously been part of a similar initiative with the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA).
Some of the themes covered in the dialogue will include maritime stability, naval cooperation, and threat assessment of the maritime domain, cooperation on non-traditional security threats and maritime cooperation through regionalism. Proceedings of the dialogue will be published on completion of the event.