GMACCC releases its report “Climate Change and Security in South Asia”.

South Asia is on the front line in confronting the implications of climate change and addressing the consequences for security. To analyse this and more, Global Military Advisory Council on Climate Change (GMACCC) has just released its report “Climate Change and Security in South Asia”. GMACCC is a global network of military and security experts working on the security implications of climate change. President BIPSS, Major General A N M Muniruzzaman, ndc, psc (Retd) is the chairman of GMACCC. He is also a lead author of this report. You can download the paper plus the context map from the GMACCC website at:…/

The report, map, photo of the lead authors, media release and eventually additional materials can be downloaded from the press kit at:

GMACCC releases its report "Climate Change and Security in South Asia". 2GMACCC releases its report "Climate Change and Security in South Asia". 3GMACCC releases its report "Climate Change and Security in South Asia". 4




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